Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hair Bow Tutorial

A few days ago I had a friend ask me how to make hair bows so I thought that I would post a quick tutorial. I have made lots of hair bows and I have tried lots of different ways to make a hair bow and this method is by far the easiest that I have tried.

Here is what you will need.
Hair Clip
Hot Glue
Floral Wire

My ribbon is 1 1/2 inches wide by 25 inches long. In the end my bow ended up being about a 5" bow.
You can use whatever size ribbon you like and depending on the size bow you want you can adjust the length accordingly.
You will also need a smaller piece of ribbon just about 3 inches long you will see why later.

First of all take your ribbon and form into a figure 8 like you see above. Sometimes I like to put just a tiny dab of hot glue between the layers just to keep them together.

Next take your ends and bring them to the center slightly overlapping one another, I also like to put a dab of hot glue here as well just to keep the layers together. Be careful and don't put to much glue here because it will hinder your gathering process.

Now gather the center. It may take you a few times to get the gather to look just like you want it. That's why I glue the layers together, so you don't have to start all the way over if you don't like the gather. Now wrap the center with a small gauge floral wire to hold it together.

Next you are going to take your french clip apart and glue the bottom piece to the back of your hair bow. (Sorry I don't have pictures of this step.) Now take your smaller piece of ribbon and tie a knot in the center of it. Glue the knot to the front of the bow and wrap the ends around to the back. Now glue the ends of the ribbon to the clip. Put your clip back together and there ya have it.

You can see in this picture how I wrapped the smaller pink ribbon around the back.

Here's the front.

Here it is on my little munchkins head!

Have a great day!

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